Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Useful Queries related to Concurrent Requests

As part of day to day work, we need to use lot of queries to check the information about
concurrent requests. Here I am providing few queries which I frequently use for
day to day works and troubleshooting concurrent request / manager issues.

Note: The below queries needs to be run from APPS schema.

1. Scheduled concurrent requests:

Lot of times we need to find out the concurrent programs scheduled. USers can schedule
the concurrent requests in three ways (To run once at a specified time / To run periodically /
To run on specific days of the month or week).

The below query will return all the concurrent requests which are scheduled using
any of the above methods:

SELECT cr.request_id,
       DECODE (cp.user_concurrent_program_name,
               'Report Set', 'Report Set:' || cr.description,
              ) NAME,
       argument_text, cr.resubmit_interval,
       NVL2 (cr.resubmit_interval,
             NVL2 (cr.release_class_id, 'ON SPECIFIC DAYS', 'ONCE')
            ) schedule_type,
       DECODE (NVL2 (cr.resubmit_interval,
                     NVL2 (cr.release_class_id, 'ON SPECIFIC DAYS', 'ONCE')
               'PERIODICALLY', 'EVERY '
                || cr.resubmit_interval
                || ' '
                || cr.resubmit_interval_unit_code
                || ' FROM '
                || cr.resubmit_interval_type_code
                || ' OF PREV RUN',
               'ONCE', 'AT :'
                || TO_CHAR (cr.requested_start_date, 'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI'),
               'EVERY: ' || fcr.class_info
              ) schedule,
       fu.user_name, requested_start_date
  FROM apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_tl cp,
       apps.fnd_concurrent_requests cr,
       apps.fnd_user fu,
       apps.fnd_conc_release_classes fcr
 WHERE cp.application_id = cr.program_application_id
   AND cp.concurrent_program_id = cr.concurrent_program_id
   AND cr.requested_by = fu.user_id
   AND cr.phase_code = 'P'
   AND cr.requested_start_date > SYSDATE
   AND fcr.release_class_id(+) = cr.release_class_id
   AND fcr.application_id(+) = cr.release_class_app_id;

PS: The "SCHEDULE" column in the above query returns a string of zeros and ones for
the requests which are scheduled on specific days of the month or week.

Positions 1 through 31:  Specific day of the month.
Position  32:    Last day of the month
Positions 33 through 39:  Sunday through Saturday

2.  Checking the duplicated schedules of the same program with the same arguments:

The below query can be used to check the duplicated schedule of the same program
with the same arguments. This can be used to alert the users to cancel these duplicated

PS: This query will return even though the request was submitted using a different responsibility.
SELECT   request_id, NAME, argument_text, user_name
    FROM (SELECT cr.request_id,
                 DECODE (cp.user_concurrent_program_name,
      ��                  'Report Set', 'Report Set:' || cr.description,
                        ) NAME,
                 argument_text, fu.user_name
            FROM apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_tl cp,
                 apps.fnd_concurrent_requests cr,
                 apps.fnd_user fu
           WHERE cp.application_id = cr.program_application_id
             AND cp.concurrent_program_id = cr.concurrent_program_id
             AND cr.requested_by = fu.user_id
             AND cr.phase_code = 'P'
             AND cr.requested_start_date > SYSDATE
             AND cp.LANGUAGE = 'US'
             AND fu.user_name NOT LIKE 'PPG%') t1
            SELECT   1
                FROM (SELECT cr.request_id,
                             DECODE (cp.user_concurrent_program_name,
                                     'Report Set', 'Report Set:'
                                      || cr.description,
                                    ) NAME,
                             argument_text, fu.user_name
                        FROM apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_tl cp,
                             apps.fnd_concurrent_requests cr,
                             apps.fnd_user fu
                       WHERE cp.application_id = cr.program_application_id
                         AND cp.concurrent_program_id =
                         AND cr.requested_by = fu.user_id
                         AND cr.phase_code = 'P'
                         AND cr.requested_start_date > SYSDATE
                         AND cp.LANGUAGE = 'US'
                         AND fu.user_name NOT LIKE 'PPG%') t2
               WHERE t1.NAME = t2.NAME
                 AND t1.argument_text = t2.argument_text
                 AND t1.user_name = t2.user_name
            GROUP BY NAME, argument_text, user_name
              HAVING COUNT (*) > 1)
ORDER BY user_name, NAME

3. Average pending time per request:

This is a very useful query to check the performance of the concurrent managers.
Average pending time for a request is calculated like below:
("Highest of Requested_start_date or Date_submitted" - Actual_start_date ) / Total requests

A Request can be in Pending state for variety of reasons like conflict with other requests,
improperly tuned managers (sleep seconds / cache size / number of managers etc)

We can schedule this script to gather data regularly for historical analysis as we normally
purge the concurrent requests regularly.

SELECT   TO_CHAR (actual_start_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY') DAY,
           (SUM (  (  actual_start_date
                    - (CASE
                          WHEN requested_start_date > request_date
                             THEN requested_start_date
                          ELSE request_date
                 * 24
                 * 60
                 * 60
         / COUNT (*) "Wait_Time_per_Req_in_Secs"
    FROM apps.fnd_concurrent_requests cr,
         apps.fnd_concurrent_processes fcp,
         apps.fnd_concurrent_queues fcq
   WHERE cr.phase_code = 'C'
     AND cr.actual_start_date IS NOT NULL
     AND cr.requested_start_date IS NOT NULL
     AND cr.controlling_manager = fcp.concurrent_process_id
     AND fcp.queue_application_id = fcq.application_id
     AND fcp.concurrent_queue_id = fcq.concurrent_queue_id
GROUP BY TO_CHAR (actual_start_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY'), concurrent_queue_name

PS: Depending on the purging schedules some requests might miss if the corresponding
data in fnd_concurrent_processes is purged.

4. Checking which manager is going to execute a program:

The below query identifies the manager which will be executing a given program.
This query is based on the specialization rules set for the managers.

SELECT user_concurrent_program_name, user_concurrent_queue_name
  FROM apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_tl cp,
       apps.fnd_concurrent_queue_content cqc,
       apps.fnd_concurrent_queues_tl cq
 WHERE cqc.type_application_id(+) = cp.application_id
   AND cqc.type_id(+) = cp.concurrent_program_id
   AND cqc.type_code(+) = 'P'
   AND cqc.include_flag(+) = 'I'
   AND cp.user_concurrent_program_name = '&USER_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME'
   AND NVL (cqc.concurrent_queue_id, 0) = cq.concurrent_queue_id
   AND NVL (cqc.queue_application_id, 0) = cq.application_id
5. To see all the pending / Running requests per each manager wise:

SELECT   request_id, phase_code, status_code, user_name,
    FROM apps.fnd_concurrent_worker_requests cwr,
         apps.fnd_concurrent_queues_tl cq,
         apps.fnd_user fu
   WHERE (cwr.phase_code = 'P' OR cwr.phase_code = 'R')
     AND cwr.hold_flag != 'Y'
     AND cwr.requested_start_date <= SYSDATE
     AND cwr.concurrent_queue_id = cq.concurrent_queue_id
     AND cwr.queue_application_id = cq.application_id
     AND cq.LANGUAGE = 'US'
     AND cwr.requested_by = fu.user_id

PS: The same information can be seen in Administer Concurrent Manager form for each manager.

6. Checking the incompatibilities between the programs:

The below query can be used to find all incompatibilities in an application instance.
SELECT a2.application_name, a1.user_concurrent_program_name,
                DECODE (running_type,
                        'P', 'Program',
                        'S', 'Request set',
                       ) "Type",
                b2.application_name "Incompatible App",
                b1.user_concurrent_program_name "Incompatible_Prog",
                DECODE (to_run_type,
                        'P', 'Program',
                        'S', 'Request set',
                       ) incompatible_type
           FROM apps.fnd_concurrent_program_serial cps,
                apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_tl a1,
                apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_tl b1,
                apps.fnd_application_tl a2,
                apps.fnd_application_tl b2
          WHERE a1.application_id = cps.running_application_id
            AND a1.concurrent_program_id = cps.running_concurrent_program_id
            AND a2.application_id = cps.running_application_id
            AND b1.application_id = cps.to_run_application_id
            AND b1.concurrent_program_id = cps.to_run_concurrent_program_id
            AND b2.application_id = cps.to_run_application_id
            AND a1.language = 'US'
            AND a2.language = 'US'
            AND b1.language = 'US'
            AND b2.language = 'US'

The table apps.fnd_concurrent_program_serial has the information about incompatibilities.

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